Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

Grégory Batt's invited seminars:

  • Workshop on identification and control of biological interaction networks, Grenoble, Feb 08, invited talk

  • Rule-based modeling and application to biomolecular networks, École de recherche d'hiver en informatique fondamentale, ENS Lyon, Feb. 14 - 18, invited talk

  • Computational biology group, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Lisbon, May 16, invited seminar

  • Synthetic biology meeting of Societe Francaise de Biologie, Sept 21, invited talk

  • Biomolecular signaling and control group, ETHZ, Zurich, Oct 11, invited seminar

  • Automatique des systèmes hybrides, Supelec Rennes, Oct 17, invited seminar

  • Formal methods for bioinformatics workshop of "Approches Formelles des Systèmes Embarqués Communicants" group, Paris, Oct 19

  • P.S. Thiagarajan group seminar, NUS school of computing, Singapore, Nov 14, invited seminar

  • Computing department seminar, NUS school of computing, Singapore, Nov 15, invited seminar

  • Vasy team seminar, Autrans, Nov 28-30, invited seminar

He was a reviewer for Bioinformatics, IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, and Internal Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, and for CMSB'11, CDC'11, and ACC'11 conferences.

Pierre Deransart is the General Secretary, past Chairman, of the “Association Française pour la Programmation par Contraintes” AFPC and contributes to the Members Council of ASTI AFPC .

He is member of the program committee of the French Speaking Conference on Knowledge Engineering 2011 http://ic2011.liris.cnrs.fr/ and 2012. He organsised with Alain Mille in may 2011 a workshop on “Traces, Digital Traces, Knowledges and Cognition” http://pauillac.inria.fr/~deransar/ICAtelierIC1/IC2011AtelierTraces.html whose material will be published in a special issue of the review Intellectica in 2012.

Xavier Duportet's invited seminar and contributed poster presentations:

  • Qu'est ce que la Biologie de Synthèse, Cité des Sciences, Paris, June 13, invited talk

  • Synthetic Biology 5.0 conference, Stanford, USA, Jun 15-17, poster

  • SynBerc retreat, Harvard Medical School, USA, October 19, poster

technological transfer activities:

  • Young Entrepreneurs Initiatives competition, Boston, February - laureate

  • Concours de création d'entreprise innovante, Génopole Evry - ranked 3rd

François Fages is a member of the Editorial Board of RAIRO Operations Research , and of the Steering Committee of the International Conference series on Computational Methods in Systems Biology (CMSB) in cooperation with the ACM.

He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Boards of

  • the Center for Systems Biology at Edinburgh, Scotland,

  • the Doctorate School Frontières du Vivant of the University René Descartes, Paris 5,

  • the Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale, University of Orléans.

a member of the “Comité de pilotage” of the OSEO BioIntelligence project, coordinated by Dassault-Systèmes, of the “Comité d'animation du domaine STIC pour les sciences de la vie et de l'environnement” at Inria, and an assistant of the “inspecteurs de l'académie de Versailles pour le nouvel enseignement de l'informatique en terminale S”.

François Fages has been the Conference and Program Chair of CMSB'11 and a member of the Program Committees of CHR'11, CompMod'11, CS2BIO'11, ICECCS'11, ICLP'11, JFPC'11, MELO'11, RuleML'11, SASB'11, WCB'11.

François Fages was a reviewer for research grants of the Research Foundation Flanders - FWO, Belgium, of the EPSRC Programme Grant Applications, UK, of the CNRS-MPG postdoctoral awards, Germany, of several ANR project proposals, and of Inria “Primes d'Excellence Scientifique”.

He has been reviewer of the PhD Thesis of Loïc Paulevé, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, and a member of the PhD Thesis committee of Guillermo Rodrigo, University of Valencia, Spain.

Invited seminars:

  • Andreas Draeger's group, University of Tubingen, Germany, Jan 28,

  • Torsten Schaub's group, Max Planck Institute, Potsdam, Germany, Feb 10,

  • University Federal De Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil, Dec 14,

  • University De Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil, Dec 15,

  • Lycée Jules Ferry, Versailles, France, Nov 30,

  • Lycée Essouriau, Les Ulis, France, Dec 3.

Thierry Martinez acted as reviewer for ICLP'11, JFPC'11 and RULEML'11. He was also a member of the organizing committe of CMSB'11 .

Invited seminar:

  • Doctoral Seminar, Rocquencourt, “How to write and prove programs with constraints and linear logic”, Oct. 2011

Faten Nabli, poster presentation:

  • Constraint Programming Conference Doctoral Program, Perugia, Italy, Sep 11

Sylvain Soliman acted as reviewer for CMSB'11, TACAS'11, ICLP'11 and IET Systems Biology. He was also member of the organizing committe of CMSB'11

Szymon Stoma was Mentor for the Google Summer School of Code 2011, Jun-Sep.

Invited seminars:

  • Open phyllotaxis meeting, Virtualplants INRIA, Montpellier, June

  • Ann Carpenter's group, Broad Institute/MIT, Boston, Nov

Denis Thieffry is currently

  • member of the Comité Scientifique Sectoriel of the Department Biologie et Santé of the ANR;

  • member of the Comité de Pilotage of the LabEx MemoLife (involving teams from IBEns, Collège de France, and ESPCI);

  • member of the CNRS/INSERM ATIP/Avenir Scientific Committee (young group leader grant scheme);

  • member of the board of the PhD Program Complexity in Post-Genomic Biology of the University of Torino;

  • member of the scientific committees for ECCB-ISMB 2011, JOBIM 2011, CMSB 2011, and SASB 2011;

  • Editor of BioSystems;

  • Associated Editor of PLoS Computational Biology;

  • Adviser for the PLoS Biology Education series.

Jannis Uhlendorf poster presentation:

  • Basel computational biology conference, Basel, Switzerland, poster

  • Stochastic systems biology conference, Monte Verita, poster

  • Physics and biological system conference, Orsay, France, poster

  • Young Researchers in Life Sciences Congress, Paris, France, poster